


Address:    Altair Publishing 
                    PO Box 475 
                    Blackwood 5051 
                    South Australia 
                    Country: Australia 

Email:           altair@senet.com.au 
Webpage:    http://www.sfsite.com/altair 
Guidelines: http://www.sfsite.com/altair/guide/guide.htm 

General Submission Guidelines 

Story length between 2,000 and 10,000 words 
No Simultaneous Submissions. 
No Email Submissions. 
No Reprints. 

Manuscripts may be sent to: 

Altair Publishing 
PO Box 475 
Blackwood 5051 
South Australia, Australia 

Please use a readable font. (eg. 12 pt Courier) 
Altair Publishing will accept manuscripts printed on used paper (ie paper that has already been used on one side) 

Manuscripts must come with SSAE with either: 

1 IRC (or US$1) for business envelope return, or 
4 IRCs (or US$5) for manuscript return. 
email responses available (No SSAE required: Save money! Save trees!) 

Payment Rate: 
3 cents/word (max. $250) 

No art submissions: 
Email us with your web address if you want, but please don't send us anything through the post. 

What we are looking for: 

The editors are not in the business of stifling talent or ideas so as a standard rule we will read anything sent to us of a speculative nature. 

Altair is primarily looking for Science Fiction or Fantasy based stories with a blending of the two genres being especially welcome. Literary works will also be considered, (be warned though, we consider too many symbolic references can weaken a good story). Space Opera and
Sword and Sorcery type stories will be read, but try to make them original. 

We look for stories that are driven by both the storyline and the characters. If you are going to use high tech jargon or ancient rhetoric, make sure it is integral to the story and the characters. Think about your characters, consider the plot carefully and, above all, be sure it is a story that you are sending us! 

Good writing to you all." 

Last updated on 4 September 1999 
Do you want to be notified when this market's guidelines are updated? Click here


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© 1999 G. McLaren. All rights reserved. 
  Worldwide Freelance Writer  https://worldwidefreelance.tripod.com/
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium 
without express written permission is prohibited.