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Become An International Writer 

You can be published offshore. Be read on every continent. Why limit your manuscripts to one or two countries when you may multiply the income from each article by selling it in several regions. 

Not so long ago the cost of producing multiple manuscripts and mailing them overseas was extremely time consuming and costly. 

Now that has all changed. Sending queries and even entire manuscripts can now be done for free - or at least for the cost of your monthly email account. And you have the security of knowing your documents will arrive within the same day. no more worries about whether the ship will arrive a month late or sink in a storm on route. 

Researching international markets is now much easier too. Search engines, portals and sites dedicated to writers have made a world of difference to writers looking for new markets.  You will find some good pointers in our writers' resources area.

There are many good websites filled with information on North American writing markets and thousands of writers are successfully used these resources.  Worldwide Freelance Writer is all about getting the most out of international writing markets. Our content will primarily focus on markets outside of North America. 

If you are here for the first time, then a warm welcome to
you. Take a look around and check out the markets. If
you want to receive updates on international markets by
email, subscribe to our newsletter.  I recommend you
bookmark this page now before you continue. 

                                                        Gary McLaren

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  Worldwide Freelance Writer  https://worldwidefreelance.tripod.com/
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